“For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.” Psalm 22:16
There was no word more sufficient to use to describe the viciousness of the accusers and tormentors of CHRIST, “DOGS”! Rabid dogs that foamed at the mouth!, ready to pounce at any moment on the LAMB of GOD!
There was the religious, “the assembly of the wicked” that were there in their furry and disdain for JESUS who declared He was GOD embodied in man! These were those that CHRIST called, “fools and blind”, “whited sepulchers full of dead mens bones”!
These ‘rabid dogs’ and ‘the assembly of the wicked’ didn’t disappear after the resurrection but are as present today as they were then. They are still accusing CHRIST, denying His deity and false accusing those that are indwelled with the HOLY SPIRIT! They despise the Word of GOD while they claim to be from His household.
They came from everywhere,
To accuse the SON of GOD.
The phony and the religious
And the rabid dog.
Their mouths were foaming
With their wicked intent.
Throwing accusations
On the SAVIOR, GOD had sent!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
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