
Friday, March 3, 2017

Crying Ends at the Cross

“When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long.” Psalm 32:3

Sin hidden within the soul tortures the mind.  It destroys our lives and ruins the lives of those around us.  While there is only one way to find relief we resist the freedom of forgiveness and stay in our stupor just as the drunk, refusing help. “When I kept silence”

To try to fight our guilt is impossible, guilt remains until it is forgiven.  Our resistance to forgiveness will wear us down to nothing.  Although sin lies in the soul the body suffers in the weakness it causes. “my bones waxed old”

The effects of unconfessed sin will cause us to howl in our pain.  This is a groaning like cry, a roaring that never ceases.  We feel sins destruction deep within ourselves, we cry in agony and no one hears. “my roaring all the day long.”

It makes no difference how long we cry if we don’t cry out to the one that promises full forgiveness for our sin. The only one that can forgive sin is GOD!   JESUS accomplished this on Calvary’s Cross.  End your crying at the foot of the cross.  Trust Christ!

Unconfessed sin destroys the soul.
There is not a place to hide.
A tortured mind is all you’ll have.
Until in CHRIST you do confide.

All your strength will fail in slow decay.
Your thoughts will wear you out.
The shouts and cries will lingerer on.
As you walk within your pout!

Turn your cries to the One that hears
Who understands your pain.
And find relief from all your stress.
Trust CHRIST! You’ll never be the same.

“I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.” Isaiah 43:25-26 

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