“My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.” Psalm 34:2
It is what is most important to us that we boast about. For some it may be an object of ownership such as a home or other property. Perhaps it is good health or the wealth that keeps us going that brings us to the point of boasting. I can certainly understand folks enjoying the above and all the wonderful things that brings us happiness. But boasting?
Boasting brings the thought of swagger. It is a to brag or gloat about something. When you boast you take ownership of thing you are boasting about. I don’t know about you but I get a little uneasy when someone goes on an on about what they have or have done.
It is interesting that David boasts of the one thing he had nothing to do with. It was nothing he accomplished that brought on his boasting. He took ownership of nothing but recognized it was his GOD and only his GOD that deserved boasting, not himself. I’ll call this, Holy Boasting! “My soul shall make her boast in the LORD:”
David’s boasting in the LORD had a great effect on the humble. They saw him give all the glory to the LORD, never taking credit of his own. This caused them to desire the LORD and to have the same experience as he had. “the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.”
Please allow me to preach a bit. My heart is saddened with the boasting of the day. All the boasting of the accomplishments of the modern day preacher, of the kingdoms they are building. They speak of their buildings and their programs, their following and their books. Understand I’m not leaving out the small guy who follows after the big guys example. They stand before GOD’s people like bullfrogs full of boasting of all they have done, never giving GOD the glory for anything. Folks, beware of anyone, I don’t care how great they may be that talks or preaches of all they have done and are doing. Now I said it, be mad!
If I’m to boast, I’ll boast of JESUS!
I’ve done nothing, to take credit for.
Anything good, I’ve accomplished.
It was JESUS, that gave the score.
“But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:30-31
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