“False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.” Psalm 35:11
You can always count on this fact, there will be those that want to harm you with false reports about your character. Especially for the ones that are trying their best to serve the LORD. “False witnesses did rise up”
Now there are some things people can say that may be true but the ones that hurt the most are the ones that are not factual at all. They are dreamed up by the abuser in order to inflict pain and they usually do. “they laid to my charge things that I knew not.”
Whether it be gossip or outright lying about another, both can be labeled as SIN. Better is a quit tongue than lying lips. Bitterness destroys the abuser of it. Those that gossip and bare false witness will eventually fall into their own pit.
Like darts of fire were the words they spoke.
Some were true, others to provoke.
What they said, it caused such pain.
Whether right or wrong it’s all the same.
Oh, my friend don’t be alarmed.
Remember Jesus, how He was harmed.
And take relief with this thought,
All their words will come to naught.
“Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings” 1 Peter 2:1
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