
Friday, July 10, 2015

A So Great Inheritance

“The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.”  Psalm 16:5

There is nothing this world has to offer that can be compared to the inheritance I have in CHRIST.  Money-The streets of heaven are paved in pure Gold!  Land-GOD is creating a new earth!  Homes-The Master Carpenter is building one especially for me, even greater than a mansion! 

There waits for me a reunion like this world has never seen before, where I will be reunited with loved ones that went before me.  These are those that chose the way of the Cross and trusted CHRIST!  Tears will be replaced with joy and frowns will be no more!  Sickness will not be found and pain will go with it.  Worry and want will not find a place, tranquility is the norm and satisfaction is complete!

My mind is not large enough to comprehend what GOD has prepared for me; it would be to overwhelming for me to understand, but when I see JESUS I will be bathed in completeness, my mind will be opened and I will understand the true meaning of LOVE, and be surrounded by Him!

I’m without the mental capability to express the thankfulness I have in being a member of the Family of GOD and the inheritance He has waiting for me!

If all earths possessions
Were placed at my feet.
Diamond filled pockets.
I would not be complete!

If rain showered gold
And sand precious stones.
In the depth of my heart,
My wants still with groans!

So what is inheritance?
If you’re never complete?
This was vanity to my spirit.
It overcame me with defeat!

Then to JESUS my victory
When I fell at His feet!
With Inheritance surreal
I’m full and complete!

Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Colossians 1:28

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