
Friday, November 6, 2015

Run or Stand

Run or Stand

“He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet, and setteth me upon my high places.”  Psalm 18:33    

I have spent hours watching the whitetail deer that graze the fields by my house. Most of them are doe with a fawn or yearling close by.  With each bite she takes, she lifts her head to observe her surroundings making sure of their safety.

I have seen the doe stomp her feet making a wheezing sound and run toward an approaching coyote to protect her young.  Most of the time what I observe is the quick response.  She and her young look like roller coasters as the make their high leaps into the air, over the grassy field.   

Whether the doe runs toward or from the enemy I must say it is a beautiful sight to see. Her feet are most important.  The stomping of her front feet is a warning to her enemy and the swiftness of her rear feet helps her glide through the air to safety. 

God gives the believer the power to stand against or escape from all that would harm them. They are under the Lord’s protection! Like the deer we must make a calculated decision whether we stand or run.  When we base our decisions on the Word of God we can’t miss. If we hide the Word of God in our heart, it enables a quick and decisive decision.

 I’ve felt the fear of the enemies approach.
In anxiety, I was frightened.
I’ve heard their words of great reproach.
And my fears, they were heightened.

But I found the way to escape their wrath.
I placed my trust in Jesus.
The fear has gone, and Christ I have,
His promises will never to leave us.

Now, when they come I have this to say,
Jesus is my Lord and Savior’!
I was bought by His blood on Calvary’s cross,
And I’m constantly in His favor.

So if I take a stand, you had better run.
The Sword of the LORD is with me.
I have “a friend that sticketh closer than a brother”,
And He stands right here beside me!

“For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.”  2 Timothy 1:12

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