“He delivereth me from mine enemies:
yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast
delivered me from the violent man.” Psalm 18:48
There is not an
enemy too strong for the LORD! He
defeats all of them without a strain. His Word melts every battle or fear. He is constantly strong, He is omnipotent! There
is none more powerful!
What is there
to fear when JESUS is your SAVIOR? There
is nothing, no not anything to fear! He’s
the One that calms the raging sea and commands the winds to stop. Out of His hand He threw the stars into their
place and set the planets where they belong.
He created man in His own image; He is the creator of all things. How could His own creation even dare to cause
Him trouble?
Please listen
my friend not even death can defeat the believer! JESUS already fought that battle and
won! The grave couldn’t restrain Him! Glory to GOD He raised Himself from the dead,
slapped death in the face, walked among His friends and will give you the same
victory if you will trust Him and His forgiveness!
There’s not an
enemy GOD can’t handle.
No matter how
big or how small.
Giants to me
they disturb my comfort.
Through GOD’s
grace I’ll watch them fall!
Hold my hand O my
sweet SAVIOR
Guide my way
with each step I take.
Push aside all
of my enemies.
My dependence
on Thee is no mistake!
“Who is he that overcometh the world,
but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:5
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