
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Great Light

For all his judgments were before me, and I did not put away his statutes from me.”  Psalm 18:22

Keeping a light in front of us makes darkness disappear and our path is easily seen.  If we have a light and never turn it on we are blinded by our own ignorance and stumble along the way.

Bright light is better than dim with it the hidden is revealed and treasure is found. 
The Word of GOD is the light of the believer. It shines in darkness and shows us the way.  If however it is never opened the value is left in it and we struggle and stagger!

Great preaching is a delight to my heart but it never compares to the Word of GOD!  Reading after great commentators is very interesting but GOD’s Word reveled through the Holy Spirit is great treasure to my soul!

I found a Light to guide my way,
As I walked this darkened path!
Revealing every wicked thought,
Which causes my GOD’s wrath.

He took the Light to look within
My shadowy and wicked heart.
Revealing all my immoral ways
By its glow, purity He did impart.

I take the LIGHT as I go my way
And He makes it bright and clear.
Always watching for a pit to fall
This Light chases away my fear.

I realize it is hard to understand
That I found this Light in a book.
How reveling the Word of GOD
I saw JESUS and my sin forsook!

The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.” Psalm 19:7

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