
Thursday, November 20, 2014


I cried unto the LORD with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.”  Psalm 3:4

How awful not to have anyone to hear you.

Someone to answer with careful intercession.

How thankful I am to be able call on my LORD,

And have His full and complete attention.

Christ is the one that hears all my petitions.

His answers satisfy, beyond my imagination.

My heart is lifted, His Glory fills my soul.

And this my friend, is not an exaggeration.

The Bible says, “God is no respecter of persons.”

Therefore, you too can have these expectations.

Turn to Him, He will hear your earnest plea.  

He’ll answer now and with no hesitations.  

As Christians we are so used to having God to ask for our needs, we forget those that have no one to go to. Yes, perhaps a friend that may or may not be able to satisfy what is on their heart with an answer that has no guarantee it will help.  I remember those days of heartache; I remember the fear and the anxiety.  Then I met Jesus. “And He heard me.”

There is no feeling of the heart as powerful as when we hear from God and He is clearly answering our cry for help.  There is not a stress reliever available that has the power and peace received when God is answering our prayers.  “And He heard me”.

Even when the slightest most insignificant prayer is answered, it is apparent it had to be from the Lord. It brings joy unspeakable. This is the personal relationship God has with His children.  Our faith is rewarded with the presence of God. “And He heard me.”

“Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.”  Jeremiah 29:12

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