“In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes.” Psalm 26:10
Deception is the tool of the devil. In regards to man his deception began in the garden and continues to this day. He tried to deceive JESUS during His temptation but utterly failed.
Satan paints with a twisted brush, each stroke seems beautiful but it is not in perspective. Borderline beauty is not beauty at all. He promises riches but he pays in counterfeit money. He promises diamonds but gives you paste.
The intent of Satan is not happiness but it is enslavement to the wickedness he represents. When we look through an eye dimmed with the desire of the flesh we are sure to fall to the delight of what we see. Satan is the ultimate “flimflam artist”! He gives you what you want and you miss what you need! This is deception!
If you think you are smarter than Satan, you have already been deceived. Your only defense is JESUS! He will clear the clouded eye! He paints with the brush of perfection, each stroke is peace and happiness. No counterfeit money and no paste for diamonds. Trust JESUS and live!
The glitter of the object
Seemed so fair to me.
I thought if I could have it,
How delighted I would be.
I reached out and I took it.
My heart began to throb
It wasn’t what I expected
I knew I had been robbed.
“But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3
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