
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Lost as a Goose

Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.”  Psalm 4:5

I thought I had done well;
I gave all that I had.
I didn't do as others did,
I never was real bad!

But I awoke from the nap I took, 
After morning church.
Thinking of what the pastor said,
And I began to search!

Was I really good enough?
Had I done what the Bible said?
Or was I just acting out the role.
Then my fear did spread!

I broke out the Word of GOD
And in its pages read.
If you’ll place your trust in JESUS,
You’ll have nothing more to dread! 

Purity of sacrifice is essential to show our respect for the Holy GOD! These are the things we do and give, to honor Him. Half way will never work, He wants our best! 

Some have said they do well by sacrificially giving to charities and treating others with respect.  While this is true they are not a sacrifice of righteousness.  They may make you feel good and others might admire you but they do not make you righteous. 

There was but one true sacrifice of righteousness and that was when JESUS was crucified in our place on Calvary.  But I do have “Good News” Although He was crucified, died and placed in a tomb, He rose to life three days later!  The news gets better!  Because CHRIST did this for you, you also have the promise of a resurrection to life everlasting with Him!   “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” John 1:12.

We can only be made righteous through the sacrifice of CHRIST, through His shed blood! No one can or will ever be clean enough or good enough without Him!  You could give all you have to the poor.  You could teach Sunday school, pastor a church or even go to the most desolate part of the world and help people but without a personal relationship with CHRIST, you will never make it!  You will be as lost as a goose!

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

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